Rogue Question of the Week – What is your go to pre-race meal?

What is your go to pre-race meal

  • Two chocolate brownie Kid Z bars, 2 bananas, a Tailwind Endurance Drink, and coffee. – Kris P
  • I am still experimenting with pre-race meals but my go to as of right now is a bowl of oatmeal (maple and brown sugar), one banana, a small cup of coffee and 12 ounces of water. – Chris E.
  • Before the marathon, I eat a banana and a bagel with peanut butter. Then on the way to the start, I have a Gatorade. – Jason H
  • Longer distances: PB, bread, banana, water and Nuun. Shorter distances: bobo’s oat bites and water/Nuun – Emily B
  • Cream of wheat with brown sugar, ginger and saffron and a banana. – Paul S
  • Rice and soy sauce!!!! – Sarah R
  • Banana, toast with PB, and Gatorade a few hours before. Then about a half hour before race start I have a few graham crackers. -Ashley B
  • Bagel with peanut butter and coffee a few hours before the race. Then I sip on Gatorade and take a Maurten gel before the race. -Josh C
  • Oatmeal with brown sugar and a banana. If I’m traveling I can always find a bagel with PB – Tamara K
  • Bagels with butter or PBnJ sammich! -Jon J
  • Blueberry Muffin and Orange Kickstart. -Amy P
  • Oatmeal with honey, chia seeds, and blueberries. Gen UCan. Beet elite. Coffee with cream and sugar. Sometimes I add a banana. -Fred S
  • Whatever I have in the house! Sometimes a bagel, or a banana or an Rx bar. Definitely a coffee. -Jen G
  • I eat one cinnamon raisin bagel and a banana. At about 10 minutes before the start of the race I will take a gel. -Ryan A