For many runners, qualifying for the Boston Marathon is the pinnacle of their running careers. Some are talented enough to nab a qualification on their first marathon attempt, while most work for years to finally run a qualifying time. And qualifying is not always enough. With Boston Athletic Association’s already tough standards, in recent years a cut off time was put into place due to a higher volume of qualifiers, causing qualified runners to lose a spot.
The Rogue Racers Quest to Qualify Series will tell the story of each of the Rogue founders’ journey to their first Boston Qualifier. In this, hopefully you will find inspiration and motivation to keep pushing and keep improving.

With attempt #3 I took a different approach. Having seen qualifying standards lowered, and also that simply qualifying wasn’t enough anymore; you needed to have a buffer, a 3:10 wouldn’t cut it. Sticking with the Hansons plan I targeted another leap forward; 3:05 at the Los Angeles 2012 Marathon in just 5 months time. Starting with a strong base, my training was solid, pace picked up on my long runs and I navigated the training injury free. For this race my original running partner from New York flew out to run also, although we’d never see each other during the race, having companionship at the start was helpful.
Building up to the race, the forecast was horrendous; torrential rain and strong head winds. The weather was so bad that the outdoor expo was packing up early Saturday as it was unbearable. It seemed all my hard work would be wasted. Miraculously we somehow got a break in the weather for a precious 4 hours; enough to not freeze at the start and also run the race of my life.LA is a winding and deceptively hilly course but, with the break in weather and strong training I was able to hold pace with the 3:05 group until late in the race. Despite fading a little I secured my first BQ without any doubt with a 3:05:52 time, a solid 4:08 below my standard. I was finally going!
And so began a story with my first Boston in 2013 which at time of writing is my first of five consecutive years running, the goal is ten for now, we’ll see after that!
Read about other Rogue Racers’ Quest to Qualify stories here.